Just like other kinds of cancer, skin cancer can be debilitating and potentially life threatening too. The sooner you get it detected and diagnosed, the better the chances are of you getting timely treatment. Not only can this help you avoid serious surgery as performed for melanoma, but it can also help you get on with your life with minimal risk and worry. Skin Spot Check in Geelong is aimed towards helping you out with early testing, diagnosis, and detection of skin cancer so that necessary treatment can be implemented well in time. Once this test is performed, your doctors will also talk to you about the level of risk in case the results turn out to be positive.

Golden Plains Medical Center is committed to providing hassle-free and effective skin spot checks to make sure you can get on top of your issue right away, if any. More than anything, it is vital for you to understand your skin and get any unusual marks or growths checked. Knowing that skin cancer shows its presence in a rather painless form to begin with, it is important to do the right kind of spot checking on your skin with the right board of specialists.

Symptoms to look out for before skin spot checking

It is recommended that you get the spot checking examination done through Skin Spot Check in Geelong even if you have the slightest doubts. However, these symptoms on your skin certainly mean that you should schedule an appointment with a doctor.

  • Newer moles
  • Moles that seem to be growing in size
  • Notched mole outlines
  • A raised lumpy spot
  • A color changing spot
  • Ulcerated or scaly moles
  • Itchy or tingling moles
  • Unusual spots or marks on your skin that catch your attention

These are the most prominent manifestations of skin cancer and should thus not be ignored. Prompt action is advised in any of these situations so that you can take the best course towards beating skin cancer in future.

Why opt for a skin spot check?

It is also important to get into the causes of skin cancer so that you aren't half introduced to things. Overexposure to UV radiation can harm all skin types. Types that are known to be more susceptible to UV radiation tend to burn faster. This is how they are more likely to develop skin cancer.

People who naturally have dark skin (typically skin types V or VI) rarely, if ever, get sunburned, they still need to recognise the need to be cautious in the sun. Dark skin has a higher amount of melanin, which provides natural protection against UV.

A lot of times, we are full of doubts and questions about the skin spot check procedure. However, you have every reason to get it done even if it is to simply eliminate the worries of a potentially threatening skin cancer. The process is simple and not invasive in any manner. Moreover, it can help you understand your skin type better so that you can rule out chances of other medical concerns.



Golden Plains Medical Centre
59 Geelong Rd,
Bannockburn, Vic 3331

Opening Hours

Mon-Fri 8.15am to 6.00pm
Saturday 8.45am - 2.00pm (hours may change please check with reception)
Sunday Closed

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