Ask Our Experts: How to examine the skin for moles!

Moles are a common type of skin growth that are harmless and formed by a cluster of skin cells that produce melanin, the pigment that gives colour to the skin. This is the reason why moles are brown coloured. Although most moles are harmless, some may become cancerous. Therefore, it is vital to monitor moles and other pigmented patches to help detect skin cancer, most importantly malignant melanoma.

Mole checks should be done regularly, especially if you notice a new mole or some changes in the existing ones. It is recommended to monitor them once every few months.

Moles are of different shapes, colours and sizes. Our team of experienced dermatologists provides a full skin check where all your moles and other skin lesions will be examined. If you are looking for a mole check in West Geelong, call us at Golden Plains on (03) 5281 2320.

Many people are not aware about the right methods of monitoring moles. There is a possibility of missing out on some moles at the most important places. For this, we have listed a few tips that will help you to examine the skin for moles in a systematic manner.

Self-examine your skin every month. Perform the mole examination most likely after a bath or shower. It is recommended to check while your skin is wet.

Using a full-length mirror and hand mirror will help to have a closer look. Also, get help from a family member / partner for areas that are hard to check.

Ensure that you follow the same method of examination every month. This will avoid chances of missing any areas. Always start from the head to toe and check all areas of your body. Don’t forget to look at your fingernails and toenails. Also, make sure to check the hidden areas: between your fingers and toes, your groin, the soles of your feet and the backs of your knees.

Do not neglect skin areas such as the scalp and neck for moles.

Ensure to make a note of all the moles and what they look like.

Always click a photo with a ruler and date it. This will help you to know if the mole has changed in size, colour, shape, border, etc. If your moles begin to itch, you must see a dermatologist. Also, if you are suspicious of any new moles, do not hesitate to get those checked.

A new mole that develops after the age of 30 can pose a risk. More often than not, these moles are harmless age-associated growths; however, if you do notice one, it is best to see a dermatologist for a mole check in West Geelong. Our experts will examine your skin and perform a biopsy if indicated.

If you are hesitant to self-examine your skin or would like to book an appointment with our dermatologists, feel free to call us on (03) 5281 2320. With our systematic and comfortable process, be assured of your health and well-being.



Golden Plains Medical Centre
59 Geelong Rd,
Bannockburn, Vic 3331

Opening Hours

Mon-Fri 8.15am to 6.00pm
Saturday 8.45am - 2.00pm (hours may change please check with reception)
Sunday Closed

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